DTM Print / Primera

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DTM Print and Primera, manufacturers you can trust!

Are you looking for a Disc Publisher & Disc Printer or a Digital Roll Printer & Finisher for Labels? Then we welcome you in our shop for professional label printers & labellers, disc printers and more. As a professional specialist in mobile all-in-one printers and accessories, we provide you with advice and product variety to help find the best solution. What you may not have known is that these manufacturers offer a variety of items that we have listed for you in the shop. Quality at top prices - that's what you can expect from us, the specialist in products from DTM Print and Primera.


Mobile all-in-one printer and accessories at a glance

Whether medical slide and cassette printers or mobile printers including accessories, here you will find what you are looking for. We offer a variety of digital roll printers & finishers for labels or even mobile devices that can be used while on the move. Especially the latter products are optimally involved in business life. You'll love the quality you can enjoy with Primera Disc Publisher & Disc printers or DTM Print label printers & labellers.

DTM Print

Label Unwinder UW-7

DTM’s UW-7 Label Unwinder and RW-7 Label Rewinder make it easy to unwind and rewind large quantities of labels
349,00 € ekskl. moms
DTM Print

Lable Rewinder RW-7

DTM's UW-7 labelafvikler og RW-7 labelopruller gør det nemt at afvikle og opruller store mængder labels.
359,00 € ekskl. moms

DTM LX610e farveetiketprinter

Oplev problemfri labeludskrivning og -skæring med LX610e Color Label Printer. Opnå levende etiketter i professionel kvalitet i alle former og størrelser takk...
3.195,00 € ekskl. moms

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